Saturday, October 22, 2016

Caturday - Retirement 101 - Session 10

 HiYa Ducky here, Happy Caturday. So happy to be here with you today. I also want to thank all of you who joined in for TockTober Day for Angel Derby. 

I am hanging out with mum and sitting in my hammick. It got cool again so mum turned on the heaty monster. So it is nice hang out here, the warms flow under the hammick to keep me warm. I like it.

Our retirement session today involves Hobbies.

Now we can't entertain our humans all the time, so hopefully they do find things to do around the house that they can amuse themselves. Mum thankfully has several things she likes to do, some of which I can snoopervise or assist her with.

Reading - mum loves to read, she gets the newsy paper every day, she gets books from the library and she reads stuff on line. So when she sits down to read, I like to join her and sit on her lap.

Crow-shay -  she does this during the cold time of the year. Helps keep her lap warm, and I help out as well by sitting on her lap while she works. She hasn't gotten out the project that she started last year. She put it aside while she worked on the pink blankie for her new grand niece to come. 
 Gardening - mum can only do this during the warmer weather times of the year. So right now she is getting stuff ready for winter. Or preparing for next year with new bulbs and plants.

Cooking  -  mum likes to cook, well, she has to eat, me too. The grilling, the soups, the sweets. What is good is when mum grills and I get little pieces too. YUM!

Mum does other stuff, the things that have to be done around the house. Those gotta be done, like the cleaning.

So this brings me to the end of my retirement series. It has been my pleasure to help you kitties and your beans work through the issues that happen when your beans retire and stay home all the time.

Have a good weekend everyone.


  1. Our mom bean says the last lesson is the best, and what is looking most too for in retirement. It sounds like you're a real help to your mom Ducky. We plan to be good helpers too. ;)

    Have a great weekend!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  2. All very great hobbies, especially the ones that involve laps.


  3. We've really enjoyed your retirement sessions! Hobbies are important for humans and we expecially like that last one!!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. The Human is asking this because she is SOOOOOOOOOOO lazy! But she wonders if you might someday make a little index of these super-educational posts (dates they appeared) so that she (and other Humans too) could go back and study up for when their old-bat people are getting ready to retire? We was thinking of maybe a little sidebar or something--the Human would like to re-read them all because of course she has already forgotten what some of that great advice was. Or maybe she should just suck it up and scroll back and search herself!!!

  5. That was a lot of good advice from your mum, Ducky. My mum also likes to read, but I always jump up and lie on her book or newspaper.

  6. Ha ha ha, Spitty's comment! But actually, we were thinking the same thing.

    We liked this post a lot!

  7. A superb programme of retirement training and coaching, Ducky. Well done.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. I really enjoyed your series, Ducky! My human won't be retiring, but she is home all the time anyway, so a lot of it was helpful.

  9. Coloring is fun, maybe she would like that- and you can steal her pencils :)

  10. It seems like your mum has lots of things to keep her busy, but we hope she saves time for you. We've enjoyed your retirement sessions, Ducky.

    We didn't post our tocks pictures yet...we'll be doing that Monday. :)

  11. The Human squeed with delight when your Mom said she might put all the retirement posties in one spot! I think she really is delighted, or maybe it really is cause she was too lazy to find them all herself. Well, either way, it's great.

    She doesn't ever do stuff like this, so she doesn't really know, mind you, but she bets some of the online kitty magazines and sites like Catster or Cat Fancy or whatever would love to have these as a series of little articles: Retirement advice from your cat by Ducky


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