Saturday, March 17, 2018


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy St Pat's Day to all. We can all be just a little bit Irish today. Below a pic mum did with me and Derby with shamrocks behind us. 
We had all sorts of excitement this week. The fox showed up again and mum got a few more pictures. He was chasing a sqwerl which went up a pole, the fox messed around, rolled over a few times then trotted off.
Plus mum went to a place to check out a new window for the kitch-hen, she was greeted by Luna, who the owners said her tail was wagging more for mum than it did for them. Mum says it is nice where they have these shop dogs or cats.
 A pic of the flowers pushing out from the ground. Things are slow to come up this year, too cold. Some springs we have had flowers already. But, then again, we could still have lots of snow on the ground and we don't have that!
Mum is off to help at the food pantry today. The scouts are doing a food drive and she will help sort the food that comes in and check the expiration dates too.

Happy weekend.


  1. Happy St. Catrick's Day to you and your human, Ducky!

  2. Happy St. Patrick's Day! That is a lovely picture of you with Derby.

  3. Happy St. Patrick's Day! That is sweet of your mom to donate food.

  4. Happy belated St Catrick's Day, Ducky ! Purrs

  5. Looks like Spring is finally peeking out of the ground at your house.

  6. love your St.Paddy's photo and that fox is skerry!!!! We still don't have any flowers coming up :(


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