Thursday, March 29, 2018

Throw Back Garden Thursday?

Yes, we have decided to make an appearance for the year. Wednesday, yesterday, was a decent day and mum was checking up on us and we decided to come out.
 Mum took Virginger around front and you can see Ducky inside in the window. He was napping in the sun puddle.
 Mum said Virginger needed a bath! Ack, not a bath, but you can see that she does look much better below, face clean, paws clean, even her spot 13 got cleaned.

A video of Ducky checking out Virginger after she got all cleaned up.
 A few of the crocus out front all blooming nicely.
 Mum did some actual garden work as well, or at least she tried. She wants to rip out the old landscape fabric, but as she worked she found that it hasn't been warm enough and she only got so far as the fabric was frozen under the ground. So she got out what she could, which was only 25% of what has to come out.
So that is it for now.

Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur (who is still hiding)


  1. Wow - Ducky was kissing Virginger all over! LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Virginger looks happy after that cleaning ! Purrs

  3. wavez two ewe virginger !!!! grate ta see ewe again; we hope ewe N de crew
    will bee abe bull to get out side full time heer sooper soon...dood....yur
    lookin good two buddy....☺☺♥♥

  4. Looking great after your bath,Virginger !

  5. Oh, good job cleaning her up! Ducky, did Virginer smell better after her scrub down? Maybe your Mom could rub just a hint of nip behind her ears. Our Mom is working hard today to get things in shape for when the sprinkler guy comes next week. All those sprinklers are still buried under dead, wet leaves! Maybe our Mom's been slacking a bit?

  6. Virginger looked much better after her bath, and it is important to have a clean spot #13. You did a good job of checking her afterwards, Ducky. Were you making sure she was clean behind her ears?


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