Saturday, August 4, 2018


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! I was even nice this morning and did not wake up mum. I let her sleep until she wanted to get up. That was just a short time ago and I was waiting for her in the reading chair. Not that she was ready to read, but we looked outside to check on the back yard. 
She finished her last book from the library yesterday, so she needs to go today and get more. Plus she says she has to go and help crow-shay hats. Little purple hats. She has lots of those and is still making more.

Going to be a hot one today, so me and mum will stay as cool as we can and pretty much take it easy. You all have a wonderful weekend.


  1. That was very thoughtful to let your mum lie in this morning. It is very hot here again also.

  2. Hey Ducky, mom is probably so happy that you let her sleep in a little. You look so cute in your moms reading chair. Hope both of you stay cool and enjoy a good book in the air conditioning. Thanks for the share. Have a great weekend.
    World of Animals

  3. That's so nice to let your mum get some sleep in the morning ! Purrs

  4. You're such a nice boy to let your mum sleep in. We hope you're both staying cool!

  5. I hope your Caturday was as nice as it sounded like it was going to be!

  6. Hoping you are staying cool in this horrible hots weather!

  7. Am guessing the hats are for charity...your mum is generous!


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