Monday, August 6, 2018

ManCat Monday

Nobody who is not prepared to spoil cats will get from them the reward they are able to give to those who do spoil them. - Sir Comptom MacKenzie

Yeah, I am spoiled. Nice house to live in, get lots of loves, good toys, treats and other noms. Life is good!
 Me and mum had a quiet weekend. Stayed cool inside, at least I did. Mum did go out for bits on both days. Said being outside made her like the inside better!


 One of the places mum went on Caturday was to the library but not to read books. She went to crow-shay and make hats! She had made all sorts of hats, nearly 30 so far since May. The two in the box above in the upper left hand corner were two she finished there. Plus she was able to start a third one. All for a project call Click for Babies to raise awareness of infant abuse.
 Suppose to be hot again today, guess me and mum will just chill again today.


  1. Maybe you could learn to cro-shay, Ducky and help your mum make those hats!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. My human says I am totally spoiled - and she is lucky that I don't act like it. Usually.

  3. We don't think you're spoiled....just getting all the great things you deserve!!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Ducky, I took a four-hour nap on Saturday, after being outside most of the day. Not that I was trying to imitate a cat, but I cannot believe that I slept that long! Any cat that I can spoil, I will!

  5. We try to stay cool too, but it's hard ! Purrs

  6. Happy Mancat Monday, Ducky. Great to see you being spoiled all the time. Your mom really crow-shays beautiful hats. It must be really relaxing for her. I hope you were able to stay cool during the weekend and got to stay in to play with your toys with the air on high. Have a great rest of your week.
    World of Animals

  7. I am glad you are spoiled, Ducky. all cats deserve it because they give unconditional love in return.

  8. That's nice of your mum to crochet hats for the babies.

  9. Cats deserve to be spoiled, Ducky! Good on your mum for all that crochet for a cause work!

  10. Hey, is that an engagement ring on your mum's finger in that first photo?

    1. Nope, it is just a ring and a fake one at that! It is just something she has and that is now the only finger it fits on!


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