Monday, August 20, 2018

ManCat Monday

A cat will lie the whole evening on your knee, purring and happy in your society... - Theophile Gautier

I loves to sit on mum and just chill. She can read her books, or crow-shay or watch the moving picture box. We just hang out together. 
 Mum is saying we will have a quiet week this week, unlike last week where she had so much going on. She is going out for lunch only once this week, no meetings and just a few errands. Should be a nice week.

Hope the rest of you have a wonderful week.


  1. How nice that your human gets to have a quiet week with you, Ducky.

  2. We wish we had a quiet week around here! Seems as if the weekend flew by at record speed...

  3. You and your mum have a nice routine. Enjoy your week.

  4. Darling lap photos! Our mum misses her lap cat, Minchie. I will only lay next to her legs on the recliner.


  5. There's nothing like a quiet week, Ducky. Have fun!

  6. That does sound like a nice week, Ducky. I hope you both enjoy it.

    Sydney, Australia


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.