Thursday, August 16, 2018

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to the garden. We are dealing with an introoder to our lovely space. A woodchuck, ground hog or whistle pig. All the same rodent!
 A sort of fuzzy pic as he ran into the grassy part of the back yard, he had been up on the patio. Mum got out her zoomer lens and got a closer pic. Then he ran off.
 So these little critters are known for their digging so mum checked and yep she found where it had tried to dig next to the house. Now cuz we had the dungeon walls done that is all rock just under the dirt so it didn't go far.
 The corner right by the back of the patio and behind the air chilling thing.
 Then a few feet away where mum has one of her chairs and some old garbage cans sitting. She will keep an eye on other places in the yard. She may not find them until fall when the plants all start to die off. What she has to be careful of is not stepping in a hole they might dig.
 Something pretty from the garden, our majic lilies that bloom long after the leaves go away. The naybor calls the naked ladies. They aren't ladies, and they are just fine being naked.
That is all for this week from the garden, see you soon.


  1. Ducky - get your mum to let you out into the yard so you can nab that critter! The holes might be a real hazard and cause your mum to twist her ankle or have a fall, which would not be good news at all.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. That wood chuck sounds like a real nuisance. I hope he gets fed up with digging holes in your garden and moves on.

  3. We hope that The PO'M and Sweetie are enough to deter any woodchuck that comes along!

  4. A whistle pig? We’ve never heard of that one.

  5. Boy that woodchuck has some nerve. We hope he gives up and goes next door. Nice flowers!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.