Monday, November 25, 2019

ManCat Monday

It's said in publishing that no cat book ever loses money. Maybe it's true: bibliophiles tend to be ailurophiles, and both are tenacious breeds. - Emily Toth

Yeah, make money, write a book with a cat or two in it. Mum has had several book series that have cats that she likes to read, mostly mysteries.

Mum worked hard this past weekend and finished her brown blankie she was working on. I did my quality check on it and approved. Mum put it in the cupboard to donate when she gets a few of them done. Here is the full blankie draped across the chairs. 
 Yes, mum everything looks good. I give you the OK to give this away to someone who might need a warm blankie.
 The yarn that is left, mum will make a hat from this when she gets back to making hats during the warm weather time.
 Here is the next color she will work with. Yeah, just a bit different here and super bright. This is what she got done while watching the first part of the Packer game.

Sportz Report 

The Pack - they played on Sunday night and mum knows she won't be able to stay up long enuf to watch the game and report here. So far they haven't looked furry good at all. Update: PEEEE UUUUU. Yeah, they stunk up the left coast again. Mum did sorta watch all of the game, the last half from the sleepy spot. Mum says they at least managed to score one TD,

Bucky Badger - They beat up on the Purdue team, the TV guy called them Boiler Breakers. On Caturday they play Mini-sota and whoever wins gets to play in the Big 10 championship game.

Have a good week everyone. Here in Meriky it is a holly-day week with turkey day coming on Thursday. Mum says we will have something special to eat but not turkey. This will be the first time in  years she will be home. She won't go to her furiends house as it is too far away to drive with a broked ankle.


  1. My human has to disagree with that statement - the second volume in her Rescued series actually DID lose money! And according to the publishers who gave her an advance for it, so did her Dear Sparkle advice book - they wanted $7K from her if she wanted to buy back the rights.

  2. That's a very stylish blankie that your mum has made, Ducky. I'm pleased to see that you inspected it closely AND were successful in demanding scritches to compensate you for your hard work.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. That is a lovely blankie and you gave it a good seal of approval.

  4. That's a beautiful blankie Your Mum is very talented!

    Tama and Genji

  5. The lucky person who gets that beautiful blankie with your furs on it, Ducky! And the bright colors of the new one your mum is making is just what the doctor ordered to help with the winter blahs coming.

  6. I am impressed with your momma's blanket, Ducky! I'm really good at starting knitting projects, but not so much at finishing them...LOL! I started a blanket for the Hubby about 15 years ago...wonder where it is now?

  7. Your Mom does such a great job on those blankies...with your help of course Ducky!

  8. dood...who evers getz mumz blankit iz gonna thinkz itz total lee awesum lee sooooper grate !!!! hope her legz doin better :) ☺☺♥♥

  9. Your mum is a crocheting speed demon! The Ducky approval is extra special too!

  10. Good job on your quality checking of that pretty blanket, Ducky!

  11. That blanket looks wonderful, so nice and cosy. Great job on quality control!

    I wanted to thank you for stopping by with condolences on Nicki's passing. It's been a long time since I've blogged as "Fuzzy Tales" and been part of the cat-blogging world, so I appreciate your time and care. I know that everyone, sadly, has been there and understands.

    I hope you have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.


  12. That is a great brown blankie for anyone with furkids - it would hide almost any color furs - and coffee or tea stains too !


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