Saturday, March 14, 2020


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday! It has been a strange week around here. Mum has been following all the crazy news with peoples getting sick and all. Plus she was supposed to go on a trip but that has now been cancelled, so she can stay home with me. She is healthy, so am I.
I was trying to hide from all the icky stuff, but that won't work here. Plus you can see the blankie in front of me and below is a pic of the finished blankie draped over the reading chair. It will get stored until fall when mum will donate it to give to a needy purrson.
 Then with the bit of yarn she had left she made a hat that will get donated too. 
Plus we can see that spring is coming. The last of the big snow pile. Mum will have to rake this out when it is no longer all wet.
 Plus our first flower! The croci, daffs and two-lips are pushing up out of the ground now.

 Ahhhh, lots of sun in the AM through the front window. So nice to nap here for a while. Even better than the hammick! Look at my cute toe beans!
Everyone have a good weekend. Stay safe and healthy.


  1. Yes, just keep away from the icky stuff Ducky, and your Mom too. That blankie sure is pretty!

  2. So nice to see that little crocus! Your mum sure is talented, too. Stay safe in these crazy times.

  3. You have cute toe beans, Ducky. The blankie is very pretty.

  4. I'm glad life is good for you and your human!

  5. Your human can stay home now and make more blankets!

  6. Those are especially cute toesies, Ducky. The good news is that this sickness is not known to affect pusscats and now that your mum doesn't have to go day hunting, I imagine that she will be able to avoid exposure to large groups of people etc, and that may keep her safer than many others.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Ahh, a colorful blankie and cute toe beans- such a joy to see first thing in the morning.

  8. That is a beautiful blankie, and we love that last photo of you. We also are right in the thick of the sickies and wondering what will happen. Stay safe!

    Tama and Genji


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