Saturday, March 21, 2020


HiYa Ducky here. Hope everyone is doing well and being well. Not much different around here these days, other than mum is probably home a little more than usual. No place for her to go since practically everything is shut down.
Mum is working on a few projects, like cleaning! Mum hates to clean so is doing it in small doses. She did get the kitchen counters all spiffy this week. She has stuff to go through, but if she decides to get rid of something she can't take it to the get rid of it place since it is closed for now.

Our usual early morning Caturday task is to watch and count fevvers. It was interrupted by sqwerl sex this morning. Sheesh. We have enuf of you furry rodents, quit trying to make more!

Stay safe, stay home, stay healthy.


  1. Ducky, don't watch the squirrels!

  2. How rude of those squirrels to put on a display for you!

  3. Glorious pic of you today Ducky. Thanks for sharing.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. I think you have a good idea Ducky, let's just snooze until the craziness is over!

  5. Damn exhibitionist squirrels! Anyhoo, stay well, my handsome boy. Your picture is so lovely and peaceful. Mom keeps this place pretty clean all the time anyway since she's home every day. So far dad's still going to work, though with his workplace closed there's less and less for him to do, so he's thinking any day now...


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.