Saturday, August 29, 2020


HiYa Ducky here, Happy Caturday. Well we had some rains and today it will finally get nice enuf mum can open up the windows again. The hots and humids are gone! Likely to be gone for a long time. Yay!

Mum decided to start to work on a blankie a couple of weeks ago. So I  have been sitting and guarding the last of the yarns she needed to finish it. 

Up close and purrsonal inspection of her work. Doing good mum and keep at it so it will be ready to give someone who needs a blankie to keep warms. .

She finished it yesterday and waited to get a bit of sunshine outside afore she tried to take a picture. She draped it over her reading chair and got lots of light from the big windows that go to the floor. 

Plus enuf yarns to make a hat to give away too. 

Plus another hat she only has enuf yarns to make a couple of hats, not enuf to make a blankie. But she likes this so might try to find more of this color so she can make a blankie. 

So what are we up to this weekend, not much. Mum will probably get out the grass eater since the grass decided to grow again since it rained. So everyone have a grate weekend. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, please wear a mask. 



  1. Those are sure pretty Ducky. Dang, it'll be scarf and hat weather before we know it!

  2. That's a really pretty blankie, Ducky! You clearly dd a great job supervising and offering guidance!

    Tama and Genji

  3. Your human is so awesome with the crocheting!

  4. Those blankies and hats are very pretty.

  5. Your human is so industrious, Ducky...and it's because you are her snoopervisor! Good job!

  6. Just as well you're on the case with quality assurance checks, Ducky. I especially like the colours in that second hat.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Your mum has been very busy, Ducky!

  8. Your mom is a really good Human being, always doing things for other people. You lucked out, Ducky! (Of course, so did she!)

    But say.....are you really guarding that yarn, or thinking how fun it would be to get your claws into it and chase it all over the house???

  9. Good job snoopervising, Ducky ! Your mom makes really pretty hats and blankies ! Purrs


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