Monday, August 17, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

A black cat dropped soundlessly from a high wall, like a spoonful of treacle and melted under the gate. - Elizabeth Lemarchand

We loves all of our furiends who are black cats, but remember Orinch is the new black! MOL.

Mum went off to play with racy cars this weekend. Likely the last time for this year. The weather was good and it was nice to see her furiends. The event was a merging of two events. The Cat and The Kettle, so the event got nicknamed. The Cat in the Kettle!

So the official stickers that had to go on each racy car showed the name.  . . . 
. . . .with a cat in a kettle and wearing a mask. It has been a crazy season for her with with things getting cancelling and getting combined. Hmmm, mum just noticed that the stickers have the event date of JULY 15 and 16 and not August. Somebody goofed! MOL!
The the badges that the officials wore had a cute pic with a kitten inside a real kettle. Doesn't look to happy. Don't boil the kittie!
Mum will be getting caught up with her chores today. Laundry and such. Probably a nap too and she gets tired with doing these events. 

Have a good week everyone. 

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Please wear a mask. 


  1. We all know that kittens will climb into anything!
    We love kitties of all colors, but black cats and dogs tend to stay at rescues and shelters longer than others.

  2. Kitten kettles are so darn cute! Have a fun week Ducky!

  3. dood.....may bee mom can go two de 500 ....virtual like, thiz SUNday....

    we hope ewe N mum haza grate week a head, stay happee N healthhee N safe ☺☺☺

    mask on ~~~~~

  4. That kitten in the kettle is so cute ! Purrs

  5. That is a particularly fine photo of you, Ducky!

    Tama and Genji

  6. Ducky, you made all of us laugh!

  7. We does not unnerstans the racy cars and the kettles and stuff. Is she driving some scary car at like 200 mph? Is she going to Indianapolis next May? What the sam hill is goin on here Ducky? You need to get control of her.


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