Thursday, August 13, 2020

Garden Thursday

 Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. Yes, we are late. Mum forgot to get our post together last evening before she went to sleep she remember in the middle of the night but didn't get up to do it then. So here we are now. 

Something bit poor mum on the foot! It has been this was for over a week so not likely a skeeto. It was itching lots but that is going away finally but the red bumps are still there. 

Flowers, we thought we would show you the Joe Pye weed. It is as tall or taller than mum! So she done good on this stuff this year. 
You can see the pretty flowers below. This is a natural or native plant and the bees love it. 

A couple of the sunflower heads from the plants that are growing from  the seeds that the fevvers spilled out. The flowers are so big that the plants get top heavy and flop over. 

Oh yeah and Blogger just switched mum over to the new set up. So hopefully things look OK for this post. 

That is all for today. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, please wear a mask. 


  1. Yikes, we hope whatever bit your Mom goes away and the foot gets all better soon.

  2. We want to plant some Joe Pye Weed in the bed with our milkweed and cup plants, to make it ultra inviting for native critters!

  3. Those bites look sore! I have seen Joe Pye weed but never knew what it was called.

  4. Very pretty flowers. Joe Pye is too pretty to be a weed. :)

  5. First, purrs ta the Moms foot!

    Second, yer flowers sure are better than ours. They are almost drownded from all the rain.

  6. Those sunflowers are sensational.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. We are glad your Mom's foot is getting better. Our huMom thought she had a spider bite and it turned out to be shingles !

  8. We're happy you have bee attracting flowers. We have to keep the bees happy and buzzing!

  9. Hope the mom's foot gets better soon. Dad's got issues, too, with what mom calls his "ugly-ass" feet, so I won't dare share any up-close photos of them in any of my posts.


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