We had Mr Hawk visit Sunday afternoon. Mum was sitting outside reading (not Harry Potter) and I was sitting just inside the windows that go all the way to the floor. Suddenly every birdie scattered. Even a squirrel in the neighbor's tree flattened itself against the tree. Into that very tree landed the hawk. He sat there for a few seconds, then flew over to sit in OUR crabby apple tree! Mum and I were about 20 feet from it. It looked at mum for a few minutes and then flew off to the west. I think he figured mum as a little bigger than he could take on and I was safe inside the house.
Mum was mad that she didn't have her camera outside. On Saturday she did have it out there and took lots of pictures of birdies. But today she wanted to finish her book, so she didn't want to be stopping to take pictures. Now she is mad that she didn't have it with her.
I have been sitting at the open windows lately and calling out in a loud Merrowwwr. I have sensed a new kittie around and last night he finally showed his or her face. It is a little black kittie. Mum saw him too but when she looked out the window it ranned away. So the kittie must be scared of beans. Mum will see if we can track it down. It isn't a kittie we have seen before.
We don't even have that many kitties in the neighborhood anymore. The people behind us who used to leave their kitties wander around are gone. The same people are there but now no kitties, just a new baby. The kitties went away when the new baby came. I hope they found a nice new home.
Mum did cheat on the Harry Potter thing. She was in store that had the books out for sale. So she opened it and took a quick look at the end. So she knows who survived etc, that is what she basically wanted to know. The details of how it got to the end, she will deal with later.
Mum will use the local library for the book and not buy it. There are over 50 people waiting to read the book, but they do have 8 copies of the book to loan out. Mum figures that when the waiting list gets shorter AND she knows she will have the time to read it she will sign up. They only let you have the book for a week, and sometimes mum is busy where she wouldn't have time to get a book readed within one week.
If your beans have been sitting and reading all weekend, tell them it is time to get up and do a good stretch. It is not good to just sit in the same position for hours and hours.
Derby that is an AWSOME stretch!! Good thing that hawk didn't fly off with you mommy!
ReplyDeleteThat is a marvelous "leave me alone" expression - I shall have to work on that one!
ReplyDeleteMom just got up and stretched and she said it felt good!
Wow! Great expression. My human has finished the book. She had to buy it as she has the others (all in hardcover). She says that the plot is a little thin is spots and she's disappointed how JK gets certain things to happen. However, if you've read them all, you must finish, eh?!
ReplyDeleteToo bad she missed the shot but if it's meant to be she'll get a chance again.
ReplyDeleteDerby, I think the expression on your face is a very sweet one.
ReplyDeleteThat would have been a great shot of the hawk. Hopefully there'll be a next time. You're mom is very patient and thrifty to wait for the book at the library. We Scots admire thriftiness. Happy sleeping, Derby!
ReplyDeleteDerby, you are a good stretcher. I think my Mommie is the only one in the world who is not reading the Harry Potter books!
ReplyDeleteThat hawk visits your yard a lot!!
ReplyDeleteOk, we stretched and we're tired, so we'll go take a nap now.
Luf, Us
You are a very good stretcher, Derby! You picked a very good expression, too!
What a magnificent Stretch Derby!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, that is a great stretch. My turn...streeeeeeetch... ah much better. My mommy has only read the first 2 books and seen the first & second movie. She likes them but being sick last year and now working 2 jobbies has made it hard to read lots.
ReplyDeleteI hope your mommy enjoyed the book. Mine is looking forward to working just one jobbie so she can catch up on her reading.
Derby, I like your expression photo and your stretch photo. It looks like you had a very good stretch. I'm glad the hawk was outside while you were inside!
ReplyDeletethat's a good "action" pose! s-t-r-e-t-c-h! ah, much better now.
Very very nice stretch. I also like your expression. It screams leave me alone.
ReplyDeleteI like both your stretch and leave-me-alone pictures. I liked the yellow chair in the previous day's post. We used to have a couh in that print. I have many fond memories of scratching it......
ReplyDeleteVery cute leave me alone face!! And a wonderful stretch picture!! Tigger and I can help with the Prayer Vigil, just let us know what you need.
ReplyDeleteYour FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
Great expression on your face, Derby. :)
ReplyDeleteMy humans aren't reading the Harry Potter books. My mom normally loves fantasy novels, but she's never been able to get into the Harry Potter books.
Oy, it took a lot to get MomBean going after readin' that book. Now HeBean has it!
ReplyDeletewow what a stretch! we think that hawk flew away cuz it saw yu sittin there ready to get him iffens he hurt yur momma.
ReplyDeleteyuki & kimiko
Wow, there is so much going on at your house. We love that s-t-r-e-t-c-h photo. You're very long.
ReplyDeleteWe get hawks around here too. The crows get all worked up when a hawk is around and they and some of the other birds will harass the hawk in flight. Mom says that there's also a beautiful hawk that she sees on her office grounds when she goes for walks at lunchtime.
Like Daisy's mommie, our mom isn't reading the Harry Potter book either. Someday she'd like to start with the first one. She might have some time to read if she gave up on helping us blog, but we won't let her.
Derby - I like those pictures of you. However I double love the pictures of you helping to make the bed. I likes to do that too!! I am a great helper - mum doesn't think so, but I am.
ReplyDeletePoppy Q
You're very busy! I've been talking a lot myself lately. I love that last picture of you!