Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ham, Glorious Ham

Derby Cat could eat no fat.

Ducky could eat no lean.

And so between them both, you see,

They licked the platter clean.

Oh yes we did! Mum bought a big ham since they were on a good sale, even less than what they were during Christmouse time.  

So she pulled all the meat off the bone and froze it into little packages for all of us to have. So we will have goodies to snack on when mum serves herself ham. She weighed out the  ham into small packages of about one pound each and has over 6 pounds of ham! OMC, we will be eating good around here. 

No we did not eat the whole ham up, at least not yet. We got to clean off the platters once mum had her part put in the freezy box.

If you want to come over, we are sure we can get some out of the big cold box for us to nibble on. 


  1. We NEVER get ham here because the humans don't eat it - we are being deprived!

  2. You will be enjoying ham over quite a while, now. That is wonderful! A good way to beat the winter blahs.

  3. You guys are lucky ! I'm starving...Mommy put me on cruel !!!
    **Drooling when see you are eating ***

  4. we haz setted sail frum de land oh trout N iz on R way D & D and we iz bringin sum friez N beverages with us !!

  5. We showed this to mom and she is kicking herself that she had a whole ham just like yours and didn't think to portion it like your Mum did before she put it in the deep freezer.

  6. mmmmmm - ham

    mom says that never occured to her, but she thinks that is a good idea

  7. Y'know what?? We don't like ham. Does that make us strange?? But we'll come over anyway just to watch everybuddy else eat. ;)

  8. That ham looks very tasty. You cleaned those plates up well.

  9. I's on mine way. oh sorry if mine butt smells like a blurpy thing. - Miles

  10. OMC, glorious ham! You coulda just shown the pics, no words were necessary. MOL!

  11. I suppose you'll be nibbling away on Saturday, hoping that hammy goodness will somehow urge your P-Boys on to victory?

  12. Uh oh, I better not let Hammy see these photos... he'd probably eat the screen!!

  13. There are few meat plates we cant lick clean among us 3.

  14. That looks like a feast...lucky guyz!


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