Thursday, May 8, 2014

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with ME, Virginger.

Glad you could stop by, we have all sorts of stuffs going on outside. Still a bit chilly, but it is getting better but very slowly. All of our plants are very slow waking up.

 A couple of white tulips have opened up among the hiya-sinths.
 Tiny daffs. Mum remember buying more daffs last fall but doesn't amember if they were dwarf ones! She didn't save the package!

This tulip isn't quite ready to open. Maybe if we get some warmer weather like the weather guessers are saying it will warm up.
 Mum did some inspecting in the back. She opened the big can of nyger seed that the finches eat and see it has FUNGUS in it. So what is left will need to get tossed and clean the can out furry well.
 She got out the oriole feeder as well. Mr and Mrs O should be back soon to raise some babies! We always like to see those orinch birds. We like lots of stuff that is orinch, including us!
One of the lilacs is beginning to open up its leaves. Mum has been all around the yard inspecting to see if things got deaded from the bad winter or if they are just super slow due to the cold spring. Most things are just being slow

If you need a snack, pop inside. I am sure there are still left overs from the parties the boys have been having. Never seem so many cats hanging out around here lately.

That is all for this week. Stop by again. Love, Virginger.


  1. Love the starting flowers. But wanted ta mention that TBT puts the thistle seeds in several differnt plastic containers so if one batch goes bad the others are usually OK.

  2. Thank you for sharing your spring with us. We hope those Orioles show up soon! We've been having very mixed weather lately and it's chilly for the season!

    The Chans

  3. Thanks for taking time to show us around the garden this week Virginger. Always interesting to see how is changes from week to week.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Can't wait for the lilacs to bloom! They seem to be a bit late this year.

  5. another grate post virginger...N we likes orinch two....

    D & D....ewe....cookieez.....ruffy fish....tho we can frank lee say....

    KNOT BURDZ....


    see ya next week; gardinz lookin good ~~

    N heerz two a happee halibutt & herring kinda week oh end two all ♥

  6. We are waiting for the lilacs too! They are moms favorite. Leftovers are tasty...that was a great bash you hosted Derby.

  7. The white tulips are pretty. Mum planted a wisteria in autumn 2012 and was told it would take several years to flower. Last year it had one flower, this year it has lots and is only 2 years old.

  8. What a nice tour, Virginger. Sorry about the seeds.

  9. Luv your flowers - we's already long past daffydils.


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