Friday, October 27, 2006

My Purrthday Pressie

I didn't expect to get a purrthday present since mum had the big party. But she did get me something. She boughted this months ago and hided it.

She brought it out this past week and putted it together. A kittie jungle gym. I jumped right in and began to play with it even before she had it all putted together.

Thanks mum.

P. S. Mum gotted it at Target.


  1. Hey, that looks like fun! Your mum must be real cool. That was a great purrthday present. Enjoy it in good health!

  2. HOLY COW!!! Oh I have to show this to Mom immediately. Derby your Mom ROCKS! Where did she find that? We NEED one of those! We just got some cubes that we love but this is like super cubes! Sorry I missed the birthday party, but I should be around more now. Happy Birthday dude!

  3. That is so cool, Derby! Your mom must love you a whole bunch!

  4. Wow, that looks like *lots of fun! That's great what your mom did for you! And you deserve it ...

  5. How cool! I think Buddah needs to ask Santa for that! Is it as fun as it looks?

  6. That looks like a great Jungle Gym. Have lots and lots of fun in and on it.

  7. That looks like a lot of fun, Derby! Although my mum says it looks like something that would collapse if I sat on the top of it. But I'm sure, for you, it'll be fine!

  8. oh, how fun! what a great purresent, an what a great mom!

  9. oooo Derby! What a great mommy you have! Enjoy your fun puresent.

  10. Oh boy! That's a furry good pressie! We wished you had that at your party to try it out! We'll tell our Mommakitty to check this out right now!

  11. How FUN!!! What a birthday present! You must have been very, very good this year, Derby...

  12. Wow! That's a neato climbin fingy, Derby! You's got a furry nice Mommy to get you such a cool purresent AND frow such a cool party for you too.
    Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

  13. Wow that's a very nice present. It looks
    like alot of fun.Your a lucky kitty to have such a good mom.

  14. Oh that looks great. And it looks like you are having lots of fun already.

  15. We remember that post Derby but forgotted all about it in the meantime. That is just about the best present a cat could get!!!

  16. You sure is balancing really good on that jungle gym Derby. That's a really cool puursent.

  17. Wow! Wow! I wanna one please Mom!

  18. Wow, that thing looks GREAT!

  19. Wow, Derby, that's fantastic! Lucky you.

  20. zowie!! enjoy it in good health!! if the rods didn't look so much like d*ggie chew sticks, we'd pester for one, too!

  21. Cool. I love your new gym. And it's a very manly blue color, too.


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