Monday, October 23, 2006

Party Report

From about noon on Friday to the end of Sunday post "Party Over".

Comments on Blogger - 1351

Comments on Live Journal - 112 (approximate -while blogger was down)

Number of kitties leaving comment - 54

Number of inapproporate comments by a non-kittie blogger - JUST ONE. (and mum deleted it really quick, not suitable for general audiences. Although I don't think many of our kitties know German.)

Not bad, hey?


  1. Wow!! That IS amazing!! Fnaks again!

  2. Not only was it not bad, it was great! Especially considering how uncooperative blogger was being.

  3. The party was amazing. Missy and KC have not stopped talking about it.

    I know the livejournal comments were way down, because Missy and KC were complaining about all the verify stuff and how long it took...had it worked, we would have commented a lot more.

    But a great party, overwhelming. Your mum did a great job.

  4. Sounds like a rockin' party Derby ~Merlin, Shadow, KO kO

  5. Wow sounds like a rocking party ... thats a lot of comments!

    Con-cat-ulations on hosting, wish I coulda attended but I was curled up fast asleep.

  6. Very nice, Derby. We're glad you had such a great party!

  7. Very nice stats Derby! We aleady knew it was a grand party! I can't wait for the next kitty to have one!

  8. That's amazing! We'll have to throw one next...

  9. Wow Derby, I wanted to stop by, but Mommy wasn't sure how to gets me there. It sounds like lotsa fun! I really like your pikshure today.

  10. Ich spreche Deutsch!

    It was a really great party Derby! I'm sorry I missed the inapproriate comment, cause I love to read stuff I'm not supposed to!

  11. WOW, 54 kitties leaving comments and weren't some of us sharing the comments? Derby, you sure haded a lot of kitties at that party! I think we should all get extra scritchies for not haffing any fights or nothin. We were all pretty well behaved.

  12. Oh, now we are even sadder that we missed the party. We are going to ignore Mom for at least a few minutes.

  13. it was some fine partyin', dude! thanks for havin' us all--blogger din't slow us down much, did it!


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