Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I don't remember seeing Kukka during the party, did you? But guess what the clean up crew found, passed out under the bar. Empress tiara and all, yup Kukka. Surrounded by drinks, empties, a blender, etc.

Brach must have snuck it to try to rescue her, but didn't work. Sigh, she has fallen so far.


  1. Oh Brach will be in trouble when Kukka-Maria reads THIS scoop!

  2. Poor Kukka-Maria. I'll bet she had such a head when she finally woke up.

  3. Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm sorry I missed the party. It must have been fun. Muffin

  4. Ha, ha. That's very funny.

  5. Gee wizz that is a very good shot of the Empress ... wonder what she is going to say when she gets back from her ummmm, errrrr, ummmmm, hmmmmm so many stories out there at the moment I dont know what to believe any more!

  6. Poor Kukka-Maria. Actually, that looks like my mommy after their New Year's Eve party. Looks like it was a good party!

  7. Oh dear oh dear. I didn't see her at the party but I had to leave early, she had probably hardly begun by that time!!
    Thanks for the purrthday wishes, Derby!

  8. O dear! I'm sorry I missed your party, Derby - I hear it was quite the occasion!

  9. OMG...It's all fun and games until someone gets photographic evidence!


  10. oh dear...oh dear...duz we need an innervenshun?

  11. oy, what a picture! you better get your lawyers ready--she'll be after you for invasion of privacy or something!!


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