Monday, October 2, 2006

Boomies, Boomies and MORE BOOMIES

Three days in a row with the boomie storms. The ones on Saturday were short. But last night me and mum were trying to sleep and they just kept on coming for over an hour. Lots of flashy lights outside and big boomes. Then twice more furry early in the morning.

Then we hadded a beautiful sunny day and them mum gotted home and it started again. Really bad ones for a bit, but it is still going on. Mum hopes it gets over before sleeping time, she really needs a good sleep.

William asked how I managed to get mum to update my linkies. Well, over time she has developed a system. First the linkies we already have on the blog are in one set of folders. The new ones we still have to do are in another. So then we know exatly th ones we need to add, and then they move into the done folder. Mum is furry organized, so it didn't take her long at all.

Plus, good news, CalicoMomToni did a furry short post. Her eye still has to finish healing and the swelling go down. But furry good that we have heard from her directly.

Well, mum is watching the Packer game. At this point they are winning. So good news for now.


  1. Oh no, what scarie boomies yoo have.

    Owr lady says if the boomies and the lites get reely bad thay make yoo go to the basement and hide.

    I hope no one is trying to get yoo. Yer always free to stay with us undur an assumed about Blurby? No one wuld know it was yoo!

  2. Hi Derby!

    We are so glad Momma turned the puter on so we could come see you. We sure did enjoy your visit here and Momma said thank you for the purrs.


  3. Boomies scare me.

  4. I don't like Boomies. However, I am furry glad that Calicomom Toni is doing better too.

  5. Wow Boomies ... we some times get them but not often ... I like sitting in the window and watching the lights.

    I must say your links are very good ... Hummy needs to get more links on my blog.

  6. boomies - we hates boomies. we hopes they don't come this way!

  7. Boomies make me skeered. I like to find a good hidey place or else get next to Mom when the boomies come.

    My Mom says she likes Beta Blogger for linking, and blogrolling too (one click blogrolling).

  8. Boomies I hate Boomies.Some great hiding places are under the couch,
    in the hamper,in the closet,under the bed and if at all possible your mommy's lap.

  9. No boomies, your mom not home--boomies, your mom home=your mom might be the cause??

  10. we don't haf boomies too much here in Cally-4-knee-yah, but when we do, we hardly effun notice 'em on account of we lives rite near an airport an our nayburrs ride Harleys. it's not furry quiet here effur.

  11. Our Meowmie actually like the boomies! She just gets angry if the lights go out. We don't like the boomies.

  12. Sounds like you are having lots of weather adventures Derby. We love the picture of the Rainbow Bridge ~Merlin, shadow, ko ko

  13. Boomies hurt my ears just like the vacuum monster. 3 days in a row sounds very painful.

    Better luck next week with the Packers...

  14. Please send some nice boomie weather to San Diego. Our air is kinda thick with dust because we haven't had rainy and the like for more than four months. We want some. Send us yours if you don't want it.
    DaisyMae Maus

  15. Boomies? Eeek! I don't like those. You're furry brave, Derby.

    How about this day for Gingers? Wednesday is Gingersday? Whatcha fink?


  16. Furry strange weather. Me don't likes the boomies. Angie doesn't care. But they am scary sometimes.

  17. Ohhh - Our Dad loves the Packers. Mom wanted to get him a Packers jacket fur his birfday tomorrow but the one he wanted they don't sell anymore.

  18. Ohh, the boomies sound scary. We haven't had any, but it is getting a little bit autumnal with some mist. What are the Packers? I mean, what sport do they play? (excuse my British ignorance, we only support Chelsea FC in this house)

  19. Sounds like you get the leftovers when they are done worrying us here in MN! Oh and don't forget about the torn aide-ohs! There hasn't been one here but there have been PLENTY of warnings the past few weeks...


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.