Mum was looking at one of her books about cats. The ideal temperature for us inside a house is between 62-72 degrees Fahrenheit. So make sure that fancy thing on the wall is set so it doesn't get to hot or cold in the house.
Also, anything over 90 degrees Fahrenheit, we should be inside with air conditioning. And we should not be outside if it is below freezing.
Lux was mentioning the other day that they had no heaty thing working in the house. Not good on a winter day. So make sure your beans keep the house just right. Curl up with something or someone to stay warm.
Mum was all bundled up today, even more than usual. It was furry cold outside the past few days. Sunny but cold. And it is supposed to get much colder over the next few days. Mum had to go out and fill all the feeders for the fevvers. They ated it all as they need extra foods to stay warm.
And I loved reading where you say you all live. I do feel like I could be in your neighborhood and find where you are. It is probably just easier to teleport in, but if for some reason I teleported wrong, I would be able to find your places.
Plus mum has just gotten home and the door bell rang. Of course I had to go and see who had come to visit. It was a guy in a uniform, Mr. Policeman came to talk to her. She had him come inside, he asked if she had seen anyone funny around. Our neighbors had something taken from their car but they hadn't locked it. But mum didn't see anything.