Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Who is or was the owner of the old Catolympic blog?

I know it is NOT the Calico Girls or Timothy Dickens.

I can't move my blog over to the new blogger and want to be removed as a contributor to that blog so I can move over. The Calico Girls the same!

Or how can I remove myself from this blog???



  1. You can't move without removing yourself from it? eh? What is Blogger doing NOW? I was able to move myself without changing other thingies...

  2. Max,

    Not sure, but I keep getting a message that one or more of my blogs is so big it won't let me move.

    Since I am on the Catolymic blog I don't know if is is my blog or that one.

    But I see you moved and your blog has to be bigger than mine! So
    just trying to figure out what is going on.

    OTherwise I will just sit on old blogger for the time being.

  3. Maybe somecat or some furless one can help us, Derby. We hope so.


  4. Check with Beau, I'm pretty sure it was his, if not, they will know.

  5. We think its Beau too.
    Geez, if it isn't one thing it's another. Naptime. Our brains hurt.

  6. Derby, I'm pretty sure it was Beau. Timothy Dickens is my other guess. The bad news is Beau's email is down (still, as far as I know.) I'm not convinced that the CatOlympics blog is the problem, but just in case, I'll call Beau's Mom and see if she can let one of us in to remove members or knows who "owns" it for sure. I'll let you know once I catch her on the phone.
    Mom Robyn

  7. Beau is (was) owner of the Cat Olympic Blog. My kitty dad has a good memory when it comes to all things kitty.

  8. I left a voice mail for Beau and his Mom. Will keep ya posted :)

  9. Thanks Mom Robyn. Yes, you guys are right, Beau was the owner and Timmy's Mom did the graphics.

  10. I talked to Beau's Mom and she said that Timmy's Mom was actually the one who opened the Cat Olympics blog, so they're the owner. And their computer is going to the doctor in the morning because of their email retrieval problem. So I guess you should email Timmy.
    Mom Robyn

  11. Already did that....she has taken herself off as administrator, so that won't work.

    CalicoMom Toni

  12. Blogger says that large blogs won't move over till they are ready to move them. Since you are having problems moving it I would wait a while longer and try again.

  13. It let me move even though I was on the Secret Paws blog and they hadn't moved theirs. I suspect that it was the blog you were trying to move that is making blogger say that.

  14. When I moved my blog, it gave me a message that said they were doing it, but I might as well go play online somewhere else while they did it cause it was going to take a while, and they'd email me when it was done. It really only took about 10 minutes before I got the email.

    The Woman has a blog even bigger than mine, and hers was done in about 45 seconds. So I dunno WHAT Blogger's problem is...

    Ya might as well wait. Sooner or later all blogs will be moved whether kitties wnt them to or not.


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