Saturday, May 5, 2018


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Looking forward to a wonderful day. It is Derby Day for the horsies and Stinky Mayo Day for everyone else!
Above, me and mum checking out the new baby hawks at Cornell University. We love watching those little guys grow up to be big, fierce birds!
Mum didn't get this posted on Hug Your Cat Day. I get lots of hugs and loves every day. If all else fails I pile on and sit on mum's lap. My favorite place to be.

Roses for the horses, meow-garitas for the rest of us and the humans. Party responsibly, humans too. Mum is all set to wear her hat to her party later.
Happy weekend.


  1. Speaking of babies, we had a baby elephant born at our zoo yesterday! We'll be watching him grow up too (although he started at 200+ pounds). We probably won't be seeing him in person, though.

    Have a fun Derby Day!

  2. I hope you and your mum have a wonderful day today and that you get special treats to help celebrate.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Happy Derby Cinco de Mayo! (We think we covered it all.)


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.