Saturday, May 19, 2018


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy weekend. I finally got mum away from watching the royal wedding stuff. She is not quite to the actual wedding, but is fast forwarding through the BS that most of the before the ceremony stuff.

So after she is done with the watching she has to get bizzy planting outside. She went off yesterday to a plant sale and came home with a pack of plants. The peoples running the sale is the group where mum took all of her classes last fall.
Mum is not happy is that the brush is still sitting waiting to be picked up. She expected it to be gone this week, so she will be making a call on Monday. No one in our area got their brush picked up, so it is not like only us got missed.
Cool and rainy day, so I will be taking it easy. Lots of naps while mum does her thing. Guess we are about to the actual wedding. Mum wants to pay attention.
Happy Weekend!


  1. It's a dreary day here too - lots of naps are on the agenda.

  2. It has been a lovely day here so I got a lot of work done in the garden in between watching bits and pieces of the wedding

  3. Fabulous pic of you today Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. We all slept through the wedding!

  5. My momma stayed up to watch it!

  6. The wedding was delightful, wasn't it Ducky?

  7. oh my Mama LOVED the wedding! She says she has to plant some flowers too but has to clean up our balcony first, my Mom is a lazy one for sure! catchatwithcarenandcody


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