Thursday, May 31, 2018

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome back to the garden. Things are looking good. Mum got all of her plants planted, including the 13 more that she got at a sale last Caturday.
The snow on the mountains is looking furry good, nice and lush. Really brightens up just outside the back door. Plus it is getting tall enuf it almost hides the water hose.
 Mum finally killed something! Or rather it has died. The trumpet vine, or at least part of it died. Mum figured it would be slow to start and you can see the other part starting to grow, but this part hasn't grown at all. Plus you see the ally-ums blooming too.
 Mum found a deaded sqwerls, when mum found it the flies had started to find it. Mum flipped it into the bushes and flowers. Mum said it can rot in peace.
Lots going on, the hots arrived so it was, steamy. Mum got her plants planted and some weeds pulled, plus as she was pulling a root, it broke and she landed on her backside pretty hard. So her tocks and lower back is achy, but she says she will be fine.

See you all next week. Plus mum says she has a surprize for us next week and it has wings! Stay tuned.


  1. Ouch! Hope she feels better soon!

  2. Aww, poor squirrel, and poor mom's backside! When we first moved into our house, I broke the handles of three different shovels, trying to remove root balls and rotten stumps. I also swallowed many aspirin; my aching back! Now, I'm all about let it be, and only plant new things that take care of themselves.

  3. That poor squirrel. Hope your mum is less achy as each day goes by.

  4. hay ewe galz....we hope for yur sakez itza PLANE ~~~~~~ N sorree bout de squirrelz.....if ducky had finded him; him wooda toll mum... it bee snax time ;) ♥♥☺☺

  5. Uh oh. Did she mean to off the vine or was it a natural death?

  6. your Mom is sooo good and not lazy like my Mom! My mom still has to clean up the balcony before she can put plants on it!


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