Saturday, May 26, 2018


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy Caturday and Happy Long weekend to my fellow Mericky cats. Mum is up way early today for some reason. She says it is cuz it is cooler out now and she can enjoy the day. She will nap later when it gets warm.
Lots of open windows now that it is nice. So I hang out on my pod and take care of bathing and napping as needed. Even though it is warm, I will still sit in mum's lap to give her loves. I loves soaking up her warms.
Plus there will be outside cooking. Mum has been doing lots of that lately. So the noms are purrty good around here these days. Steak, chick-hen, burgers and brats. NOMMY!
Mum will be off to another plant sale today. Stock up on more goodies for the garden.

Happy weekend.


  1. Sounds like a great weekend to us!

    The Florida Furkids

  2. That sounds like a pawsome weekend ! Purrs

  3. Nom nom nom nom nom, Ducky!

    I'm looking forward to seeing what your mum buys at the plant sale.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Looks like you and your human are having a nice weekend!

  5. Whiffies with a chance of BBQ? Purrfect!!!

  6. We have been getting lots of thunderstorms, so our time out in the cat run has been limited.

    The Chans

  7. Yummy! We bet you get a bite, too.

    Sounds like our moms are on the same schedule!

  8. I watched a show the grilled some pineapple slices...yummy!


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