Saturday, December 29, 2018


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy last Caturday of 2018! Amazing, we are almost through another year. We have a sunny day to start and we got another dusting of snow. What came on Christmouse melted.
 The sun is coming up over the house across the street, at least we can have some sun today. Then the back of the house. Mum and I will have to watch for fevvers later.
 For now I am getting all warm and toasty by the heaty spot. When the sun gives us more brightness I will hang out in a sun puddle.
 Mum started a new project, heck she hadn't finished the last one! She wants to make this for a vet who will be 50 in 2020 and says she wants to start early so she knows she will get it done on time. It will be a purrthday prezzie and his purrthday is early in the year.
 Lastly, as many of you already know one of our woofie furiends took off to The Bridge this week. This is Tommy of the gang at the Poupounette, who sadly was diagnosed with an aggressive type of cancer just a week ago. He had a few final good days with his family, but alas, not many. If you haven't left a comforting purr for #1 and The Chans, please do so. 
Have a good weekend everyone.


  1. This has been a rough and stressful year for my human, so she won't miss it... but 2019 is already starting with lots of hope! See you on the other side of the calendar.

  2. The heaty spot is a good place to wait for the sun. I am very sad that Tommy had such a short time from his diagnosis. He was a good dog who loved his brothers and sister.

  3. Gorgeous pic of you today Ducky.

    As for your mum's new project: it's good that she's making a start, even though she hasn't finished the previous project. It can be horrible working on a craft project when you're under time pressure, so by starting now, it's more likely that she'll be able to relax and enjoy it. You'll need to snoopervise closely for quality control purposes and to ensure that she returns to finish the other project when this one is done. LOL

    Sydney, Australia (the Queen of unfinished craft projects)

  4. You found the best spot to stay warm, Ducky ! Purrs

  5. We have the sads for Angel Tommy. I like you heaty spot, Ducky...wonder if I can coax The Hubby into making a hammock for me?!?

  6. One day is about the same as another for us, but to moms, they seem to fly by. Stay warm!

  7. I love the flexibility in the 3rd pic. When I move that way, I snap my neck out!


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