Monday, June 17, 2019

ManCat Monday

A cat has absolute emotional honesty - an attribute not often found in humans. Human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not. - Ernest Hemingway

Mum says it was a crappity-crap-crap weekend. While Caturday AM was nice, it then got cool. Very cool and not in a good way. When mum got up on Sunday she felt the house was so damp and cool she turned on the heaty monster for a bit. Later when it got sunny she opened a window a little bit and decided to close it really quick!

So we were home and snuggled. Mum cleaned a bit, did the washing bit, cooked a bit, readed her book. Otherwise we just hung out.

Mum has a bizzy week again, library stuff, garden stuff and who knows what other kinds of stuff.
Have a wonderful week gang.


  1. I'm sorry that your mum thought it was a crummy weekend. At least you got to hang out together.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We have been getting lots of horrible cold and wet weather too. The sun did manage to come out for a while on Saturday afternoon though. First time in 2 weeks!

  3. That's a very cute photo of you, Ducky!

    The weather has been strange here as well. #1 usually does her changeover of summer clothes in May, but she hasn't done it yet!

    Tama and Genji

  4. It can't be all bad if snuggles are involved Ducky!

  5. we had a crappity crap weekend too, all rain!

  6. Yes, I agree with Caren and Cody (since we live in the same area!) was crappity crap, and Monday ain't much better! But I did finish one book, and sorted my scarf collection.

  7. dood ewe haza grate week two; heerz ta snoozin restin chillaxin snackin & ree peetin :) ☺☺♥♥

  8. Yeah, it's been rather chilly down here in Chi-Town too. Great snuggling weather though!

  9. WE have you both have the best week, after a crappy weekend.

    Emma and Buster

  10. We can't even remember what our weather was like! All we know is that Mom's bedroom was very warm all last night and she did not sleep well, which made her kinda cranky when she finally gave up at 5:30 a.m. (We can sleep in all kinds of temps.)

  11. Ducky, our weather is crappy too. We’re still waiting for summer!

  12. Spring has been really weird this year. I wonder what is going to happen when summer starts in a few days.

  13. Our weather was crazy last week too. Have a nice week ! Purrs

  14. We hope next weekend will have wonderful weather for the whole weekend. Glad you and mum had some snuggle time. Thanks for the share. Have a great rest of your week.
    World of Animals


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