Saturday, October 5, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. I am hitting another milestone today. 3521 days. What does that signify? I have now lived here with mum as long as Derby did. Thankfully I am planning to hang around for a while. 

 Mum has finally decided to get out of  bed, she slept in for a bit. Said she needed the healing power of sleep.

Mum is a bit achy from falling and going boom. All the joints work, she can walk but her elbow is tender and sore, she has a funky bruise on her had from where she was carrying her phone, and yep, the backside is sore yet too. Mum is just taking gentle walks and keeping moving.

Part of keeping moving means making foods for her. She did a big batch of onions and made soup. The fancy soup that you make french by adding cheese! The house smelled of onjuns and garlic, but it was a good smell. Mum said it was very tasty.
 Carmelizing the onjuns first, then into the crockpot for hours to get all mellow and tasty.
Then add bread, some cheese, put it in the hot as hell box, then pull out and enjoy. Mum said it was yum.
So what do I do while she is all bizzy in the kitch-hen. I was hanging out on my tower, waiting for her do be done so I could sit on her lap. She finished, got her book and we spent the afternoon just hanging out together. 
It is a cloudy day and they weather guessers say we will get rain later. Guess I will find mum and her lap for another day of snuggles.

Happy weekend.


  1. Congrats on the milestone day Ducky!!! Oh, that soup looks great and I'll bet it smells good too!

  2. Paws up on all the time you've lived with your human, Ducky! And here's to many, MANY more!

  3. The soup looks delicious!
    Congrats on your 3,521 days.

  4. Good to see you investing the time and effort to help your mum repair as quickly as possible, Ducky. Keep up the good work.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Woo hoo! 3521 days- fantastic! Mom says she wishes she could make the healing power of sleep work on dad, especially on weekends. Have an awesome Sunday dear Ducky.


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