Sunday, October 20, 2019

Tocks for Angel Derby

A few of Derby's tocks! He would have been 16 today if he was still around. Plus you can see he loved walking on the kitch-hen counters! Mum gave up trying to keep him off.

A few my my cute tocks too!

Happy Tock-Tober!


  1. The bestest tocks in the whole wide world! Loved you then, love you now! Happy Tock-Tober to Angel Derby ... and to you, too ... Ducky!

  2. Them's sure some handsome mancat tocks Angel Derby's sportin'. Happy Tock-tober dear Ducky!

  3. Good on you boys!! We miss Mr Derby.

  4. Precious Angel Derby has set the bar high for tock pics that is for sure! Have a wonderful Tocktober day, we love you Derby and Ducky!

  5. Cute tocks, Ducky ! Angel Derby, your tocks were purrfect ! Purrs

  6. Great entries in this year's tock exhibition!

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Those are great tocks. Happy Tocktober. We kinda forgot about today...but we’ll try to post our tocks before the month is over.

  8. Angel Derby, are you hiding your head up in Heaven, since we are all looking at your rear-end?!? LOL!
    Happy Angel Birthday!

  9. Awwww BEST tocks ever! Sorry we didn't purrticipate.....Mom's birthday is the same day and some years we purrticipate and some years we are lazy, like this year! Happy Birthday Angel Derby!!!!!!! xoxoxo Love, Cody and Mom


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