Saturday, October 12, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. The day is getting off to a frosty start and mum is going to have to go out early today.

It got cold yesterday and just before bed mum took a pic of the temperature thing. We haven't been this cold in ages!

 Mum brought out her crow-shay, done working on hats and now back to finish a blankie she started last winter. Now cold enuf that it feels good to have me and the blankie in her lap. Helps keep her warm.
Mum has to get going, she is helping at a run, 5K and 10K, they will donate green papers to the food pantry. Mum will try to get some pics and we will share on Monday.

Have a good weekend everyone


  1. You look pretty ready for snuggle season Ducky!

  2. Well, somecat sure does look comfy-cozy warm!

  3. I will come and join you, Ducky. We were 41F this morning.

  4. We warmed up to about the same temp this morning, up from 32° the day before. We've got the sun coming in, so at the windows is where we'll be!

  5. It won't be getting down that low here for months - and even then, only for one or two nights at best.

    I kind of like it that way.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.