Monday, October 12, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

Confront a child, a puppy, and a kitten with a sudden danger; the child will turn instinctively for assistance, the puppy will grovel in abject submission. The kitten will brace its tiny body for a frantic resistance. - Saki

Yeah, we kits are brave! Take on any challenger, just watch us sometime. 

Me and mum had a quiet weekend. The feral kit skipped a day but then came back overnight for foods. Mum wished it would come during the day and hold still long enuf to get a pic. Yeah right mum, you know those of us of the feline purr-suasion don't want to cooperate with you. Just deal with it. 

Mum got out the blankies she had finished since late winter. These five will go off with the hats we showed you back on September 21. Mum has to keep bizzy doing something, crow-shay, reading a book. Mum has read 115 books this year so far and there is over two months to go this year. She just put in her order at the library for another stack to read. 

Here is mum's newest blankie she started working on this past week. The colors are purrty. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack had this week off so mum watched CrashCar instead of feetsball. She hadn't seen them race on the roval before. Plus for the first time they raced with tires with tread on them so they could race in the wet. The trick is when to switch back to the usual racing tires with no tread, some did guess right. Mum's racy group has always raced rain or shine. 

So that is what is going on here. More of the same this week but the weather isn't going to be as nice this week. A few showers and not as warm either. 

Have a good week everyone. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask and vote. 


  1. I love that quote you've chosen for today's post, Ducky. Not only will the little kitten brace, it will fluff up all its furs, stand side on, extend its claws and look ferocious!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. All those blankies are lovely. I hope the feral kitty comes during daylight but probably wants to keep hidden.

  3. I too have been reading (well, listening) to books like crazy, and my TBR list is still HUGE! And five authors that have series came out with new books this year.

  4. We'd like to see that kitten too. WOW, those blankies sure are pretty!

  5. dood...mum did an AWESUM job on de blankitz !!!! total lee way kewl...N conga ratz two her on her bookz.....☺☺☺☺

    ND bee bak in actshun; leest for this week oh end past....will see bout gamez in de few chure

    3 and oh now !! ☺☺♥♥

  6. Those blankets are so nice...and really going be appreciated. We like how you gave them your sniff of approval.

  7. Your Mom's blankies are beautiful. Our #1 doesn't do any of that crafty stuff. A shame!

    Tama and Genji

  8. Cats by themselves are very brave. Being small, they have to be. We once had a cat when I was young who got cornered in an semi-enclosed patio by 3 dogs. I heard the screeching and jumped on the biggest dog (I was about 12 and reckless). The other 2 dogs fled. The dog was bleeding on the nose. The cat was not injured.

    Dad put a door on the patio. I watched out for the cat when she was outside. I suppose that is when it all started with cats and me.


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