Monday, October 26, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

Here are two means of refuge from the misery of life -- music and cats. - Albert Schweitzer

Mum likes music so it plays in the house. Plus she has me! 

When mum went out to pick up some stuff she went past a field that had been harvested in the past few weeks. Wowzaa, look at all those fevvers. Mum said there was hundreds of geese hanging out. Mum could tell that some grain, either corn or soybeans,  had been dumped in a big pile in the field. So they were coming by for snacks. 

It may be hard to see in both the moovie and the still pic but we had a few snowflakes yesterday. Nothing stuck to the ground but still we don't want to see that stuff this early. Like last year when we had lots of snow that arrived on Hallow-weenie. 

Me taking a break from sitting on mum who was watching the feetsball game and doing her crow-shay. She is a bit over half way done with the blankie. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack - is back! Looking very much better like the team that started out the first four games. ARodge looked good again. Although mum gets irked with him when he tries to Hut Hut the other teams off sides and then runs out of time on the clock. Just hike the ball and play!

Quiet week ahead, mum's calendar is blank for this week. I am sure mum will find stuff to do. 

Have a good week all. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear your mask and VOTE. 


  1. Those fevvers look like pretty big dudes, but I still reckon you could take 'em, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Oh noes, the 's' word!
    We are enjoying the fall colors, and the leaves are beginning to fall.
    However, our backyard maples haven't yet turned to gold, but they usually do in November...and yikes, that's like this weekend!

  3. We love the photo of you in the beddie, Ducky!

    WE sometimes gets lots of birds in a field, but not really geese.

    Tama ad Genji

  4. That's a bunch of fevvers fur sure Ducky! Snowflakes, dang, we hope we don't see any anytime soon.

  5. dood....cod....foto one....thiz iz a howl o ween scaree fotoz iz we ever seed one...we gotta go wash R eyez out with soap !! ☺☺♥♥

  6. There are hundreds of Canada Geese that live on the marshes beside the river. Every morning and night they do a fly past and make a real din!

  7. Goosefest! MOL!

    We saw your snow. Did you send it here? After days persistently in the 80s, it's 21° and we've got about 4 inches of snow so far.

  8. We love yer cat cup, Ducky! And TBT says he knows what thing on yer table is but won't bore you about it.

  9. Hey Ducky looks like a nice weekend at your house. Dad put out our heated bed the other week and it took a while for us to start using it. Now one or the other is in it all day long. Dad says we have to share


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