Saturday, April 13, 2013


It is the weekend, but it started out all icky! We had snow! Not much, but enough to make things a little white in places. Mum went out to get foods and said the snow was going sideways in the wind.

 You can just see some of that icky white stuff on the ground and on the black carpet in the garden.
 Mum, please, tell us winter isn't starting all over again?! We want open windows and warms, fresh air to breathe. Mum said not to worry.
 Less than an hour later, the sun was out! Not very warm, but at least we were getting sun puddles.
 Derby moved right into the front window which gets the most sun in the morning.
 Then sat by mum, hoping, wishing the treat jar would come open. No such luck so early in the day.
 Ducky, no sun puddles, will keep the heaty spot for getting warm and catch some sun puddles later.


  1. That's quite a surprise! We're glad the snow didn't decide to stay and you had a nice sunny Caturday!

  2. Mum says the weather is all upside down for everyone. Stay warm and snug and hope it picks up soon.. Hugs GJ x

  3. I'm glad the sun puddles finally arrived! Why does winter not want to go away!?

  4. We got dumped on...8 inches. Geez, this endless winter!

  5. We had wind so hard it drove the rain under the roof flashing! We're glad the sun came out for you.

  6. Same kind of nonsense happenin' here. Freezin' rain and some snow, overnight. All gone now, though. Thank goodness! purrs

  7. We're having the same kind of's cold today and the mom says she saw a few wet flakes of snow. But they say it's supposed to get better. We can only hope.

  8. Oh no not more snow! We are getting too much rain again and gale force winds. Looks like you both have nice warm spots.

  9. We can't believe you got more snow! It was 72 degrees Fahrenheit here today and sunny. We'll try to send some of it your way.

  10. OMC! Snow! When will it ever stop! That heaty vent looks mighty inviting.

  11. No treats? Why that's a crime!


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