Saturday, April 27, 2013


House trashing starts when you get here. Mum left to go play with racy cars. Not fair, it is nice out and if she is not home, that means no open windows for wiffing.
Come on over for some fun.


  1. It's cold here today so we don't get the screen door open. We had lovely smells coming in yesterday. Birds were singing. We could hear them. Not today though. So, maybe we'll pack our furry bags and come over. That is if I can wake up Meredith Ann. She is our party animal .. lol

  2. Oh, we're up for a house-trashing. It's grey and chilly here too and our human's not much fun...We'll be right over! Your human won't mind if Nicki uses any carpet as toilet paper, right? Or if Derry gorges on something and then projectile barfs? It'll just add to the "trashy" look!

  3. We are on our way! Iza wants something ta eat so she can throw up on a carpet; Ayla will look for stuff to tap off of shelves or dressers. I'll find some general things to mess up. ~ Marley

  4. We're on our way! We have lots of cottony floof to leave around on the carpet.

  5. We hope we're not too late and there's still some trashin' to do!

  6. We're here and ready to trash!!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. Hmmm. Now that she's Day Hunting again, shouldn't she be spending all her weekend time with YOU??? Hrumph.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.