Thursday, April 25, 2013

Garden Thursday


Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday, hosted by Virginger, Squillion extraordinaire.

We finally had some warms and TADA, we have flowers!

 All Yellow daffy-dils
 White and yellow daffy-dils
 Some little white things that mum can't remember their name, plus they have spread!
Hi-ya-cynthis, getting ready to bloom. All of the rocks are from where mum took the tree down last month. She still hasn't finished this!

We are going to finally get some WARMS this weekend. WooHoo!

Love, Virginger


  1. Those are two of our favorite spring flowers. Beautiful!

  2. virginger...we iz pozed ta get sum warms this week oh end two !! N we think de rocks in de garden ...rock !!! say hi ta D & D for uz :)

  3. Oh such pretty flowers you guys have now-we are just going to pretend that there won't be snow tonight and that we'll see those kind of beauties in the morning. mol

  4. Yes! After a cold yesterday, we're finally gonna get some warmer weather too!

  5. Mom's Mom always loved daffy-dils! It looks like Spring has finally sprung!

    The Florida Furkids


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