Thursday, October 1, 2020

Garden Thursday

 Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday, plus welcome to TockTober! A month we use to remember the late grate Derby! He sure loved to show off his back side and mum took lots of pics of it!

Out in the garden, we had a kitten run through the yard! It was chasing a sqwerl and about the same color as the sqwerl. Mum was sitting inside and saw the chasing and didn't realize it was a kitten doing the chasing at first. She came out to check on the kitten but it took off through the plants next to the house. Mum didn't notice a collar, so we are worried that a new resident of the area is out on the lose. Stay safe little one. 

In garden news, we have a few new flowers finally from the gerber daisy plants. We haven't had flowers in a long time. We may not get many new flowers as it will be cold later in the week and things may freeze. 

Mum is getting more the the fevver feeders out for them. We are seeing lots more goldy finches this fall. Mum needs to get out the suet feeders, peanut feeders and the seed cakes too. It will be time to tkae the hummer feeder down, haven't seen any in the past week. Once this sugar water batch is gone, that will be it for this year. 

Thanks for the visit. Stay safe, stay healthy, please wear your mask. VOTE!


  1. Derby was King of the Tocks!
    I hope that kitten has a home to go back to.

  2. Looking forward to seeing Ducky's entry in this year's Tock-Tober festival.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. We are purring for that squirrel-chasing kitten!
    Thank you for the reminder; we'll start collecting 'tocks photos for 10/20!

  4. dood......we hope de wee kitteh iz aye oh kay tee two him all wayz ♥♥♥

    hay ewe galz; flowerz heer iz gone for de seeson tho de ornamental grazz iz growin like itz inn sane !!! de sugar water drinkerz heer haz leeved; sew long; see ya next yeer ~~~~

    happee tock tober derby ♥♥

  5. We sure remember those famous Tocks and we always will too! We hope that wee kitten is okay.

  6. Lovely garden pics. We too still have some nice flowers in bloom.

    WE will have to ask #1 about TockShots.

    Tama and Genji

  7. We didn't see any hummers for about a week, then a lady stray was here for a few days. We'll keep our feeder out until the end of our nectar too. Oh! And we finally saw some goldfinchies! It's been years since we've seen them.


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