Thursday, October 13, 2011

Garden Thursday


Welcome to Garden Thursday with me Virginger. It may be fall but we still have things happening outside. One thing is that we are happy the mess is gone with the road work.
Here is a picture of our Russian Sage, sort of going downhill and mum says she needs to get a couple of new ones planted.
Our little maple tree has already losted all of its leaves for the season. Then we get to a plant that shows up on the side of the house. Mum says they are called Chinese Lanterns. Well a few weeks ago we could see the little lanterns starting to form.
This week we went to check on them and something ate all the plants, little lanterns and all!
We do still have our impatients are still blooming, so that is something is pretty still in our yard.
Thanks for visiting. Love Virginger


  1. beautiful garden...purssss

  2. Your flowers are so pretty ! I guess that bring smile to your day : )

  3. Oh noes! What ate all the plants?


  4. It is starting to look like fall again isn't it?

  5. May be you had some vishus deer that came in the night and ate the lanterns and stuff.

  6. Oh no! We wonder what ate the Chinese Lanterns.

  7. Such a pretty garden! Too bad about the Chinese Lanterns!


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