Monday, October 31, 2011

ManCat Monday - Halloweenie Edition

When you next step in a small mammal's guts, remember, it's just your cat's way of saying, "I love you". - Author Unknown

Yeah, just a few creepy, crawly, mushy somethings for the Happy Halloweenie Day. We loves you, you know we do.

We kitties will be chillin' during the day, then mum will put us in the sleepy room while the sticky little things come to the door looking for candy. Thankfully we have our own treats that they don't get.Mum says they even shortened up the hours the kiddies can come and beg for candy. Last year it was three hours, this year only two. She didn't have many takers last year either. Probably will be a quiet night for her.

Mum put the outside fur-niture away over the weekend. Now we have an open view to the fevvers, sqwerls and chippies. We thinks they run and fly by just to bug us. Plus mum says that in another weekend we will start out counting fevvers on the weekend for Project Feeder Watch.

A movie for the day, we have our black kitties that play funky songs. The new one mum got plays the same song as the first one, so we have stereo. It wiggles its tail while it sings.

Feetsball Report

Packers - had the week off. So mum did other stuff and really didn't watch much feetsball.

The Colts - same results as all the other weeks. ::sigh::

Grampa Brett - still retired


  1. Looks like that singing kitteh made you want to climb the walls fur a second there! Happy Halloween kittehz!

  2. Happy Halloweenie. Make sure you get plenty of treats!

  3. Yes, make sure your mum gives you lots of treats!

    Have a safe and happy Halloween!

  4. Your kitties are cute!!!
    Happy Halloween!

  5. OMC !!!! That spooky kitty can sing ! MOL
    Happy Halloween to you all : )
    Have fun and stay safe !

  6. We are gonna remind Mommy about the guts thingy the next time she finds any...thanks for the quote.
    Those singing kitties freak us out; but Mommy says he's cute...Happy Halloween! We'll be under the bed if you need us.

  7. Happy Halloweenie! Hafs a nice snuggly nite wif not too many of da squeelers sticky peeples. We got none! Dats cuz dey must not come owt in da snow.

  8. Derby, I don't think you were too impressed with those musical Halloween kitties! My human has a few musical creatures and junk for Christmas, and we don't care about them either!

  9. Happy Halloween. So are you going to trick your Mom or will she just get you some treats?

  10. We dint quite unnerstand that music, but TBT got the hee-cups from watchin it. His laffin is a bit scary, but it seems ta be good fer him.

  11. I think Caroline was the model for that new one--especially the tail part!

  12. Our candy-giving-outing was a dud this year. Maybe next year the weather will be nicer!

  13. Sorry we're late wishing you happy halloween!


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