Sunday, October 2, 2011

Livestrong Day

Yes that is what we all wish for, a world without cancer. No cancer for our beans or any other beans. No cancer for kitties, woofies or other pets.

Thankfully our immediate family isn't affected by this nasty scourge, but we know people whose lives have been touched by cancer. Some fought successfully, some not. We remember them all today for their gallant fight.


  1. What a beautiful post ~ thank you so much for supporting LiveStrong in helping to raise awareness about cancer.


    Love Milo and Alfie xx

  2. Yes, we do wish for a world that is cancer-free.

    We're purring for All Beings affected by cancer...and sending purrs and purrayers for all to LiveStrong.

  3. We wish for a world where no being is effected by this terrible disease!!!

    Livestrong and Lovestrong too :-)

  4. It is so wonderful that so many cat bloggers are participating in Livestrong Day. Wouldn't it be wonderful if cancer could be beaten once and for all by some quite simple treatment?

    Purrs to you all.

  5. A very good post today!
    We are proud of our human Dad today.

  6. Is a grate sentiment, well said. We wants that too!

  7. How fortunate for you and your family not to be affected by this terrible disease. So many have fought this battle and lost and many are in the fight right now. What a purrfect world it would be if the cancer would be a thing of the past and never have to be worried about ever again.

  8. We are remembering our friends today too.

  9. Beautiful post!
    Love Strong!

  10. We are purring for all those affected by cancer.

  11. We wish for the same thing, Derby and Ducky!

  12. We purr for all of those that have lost their battle with cancer, and for all those still fighting. We purr for the day when cancer is no more! LiveStrong!

  13. Like you, we have not been touched directly by cancer. But that does not make it less a problem. It touches all of us directly or indirectly. LiveStrong!


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