Thursday, November 10, 2005

CBI - Cat Bureau of Investigation

Mum found some foot prints on a mirror. I don't know why she thinks these are mine!

Mum and I had a great time playing just before bedtime last night. We play a game mum calls "peek". I am on the floor near the bed, she peeks over and I jump up and tag her. She then peeks over again and tags me back. I managed to tag her pretty good once. She laughs when we play this. Then later I was sitting on the end of the bed. I decided to go into pounce mode and launched myself off the bed. Mum says I have a cute butt wiggle.

Then she turned off the lights and snuggled down under the blankies. I snuggled up next to her and purred her to sleep. It was a good night.


  1. Derby, Derby!!

    I am so excited to find another kitty adopted from HAWS. That's where I was adopted from too, but now I live in Brookfield. You can see me on Catster at or you can read our blog at

    Maxwell Smartkitty

  2. Derby,

    Deny everything! It was another cat that made the paw-prints on the mirror! :-)



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