Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Mum is busy watching the big box with moving pictures. That means I have time to work on my message. She has been busy doing lots of little tasks. She went outside to put out food for the birdies, even though it is dark out. She said this means they will have lots of food in the morning. Then she worked on my box to make it nice and clean. Washing my food dishes. Now she has a chance to relax.

Which means I can curl up by her and get some treats, and just generally get some lovin' from my mum. Mum also warned me that it might be another stormy night. That means lots of flashes in the sky, and not from mum's little flashy box. I don't mind storms which makes mum very happy. Then she doesn't have to come and find me in any hiding spot. It is also getting very windy. I can hear mum's outside chimes making lots of noise.

Oh, mum looks like she is done with the TV, that means play time. Bye!!!! :-)

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