Sunday, January 15, 2006

Getting Better

First, mum wants to thank everyone for their feedback on my paw. Mum says I am still raising it, but not all the time. It is a little tender, but only when she really pressed on it hard. I let her know I would rather she didn't touch it like that. I haven't restricted my running and jumping. So it can't be that bad.

Mum went shopping and I know she boughted something for me. But she put it away in the toy/treat spot and closed the door. But before she left she tooked all of the stuff off the bed. So to rest on the soft blankie I just had to do it on the floor. In some way this was better that napping on top of the bed. More soft folds to lay in, versus just a flat spot. She should do this more often for me. Like every day.
Plus mum gotted a big box from Florida. Was full of big orange balls that she put in the big cold box. She brings them out and then eats them. I personally don't get what she likes about them, but she does. But part of the box is just the right size for me.
Mum is done with the football games. I don't think she really watched them that closely. But I know Opus and Roscoe will be disappointed that the Colts lost.


  1. Derby, that blankie looks really soft and comfy. You should ask your mom to put the blankie in the box!

  2. My boy leaves his bed messy all the time, so there are lots of folds to nest in. I'm partial to plastic boxes myself, but if the box fits, sleep in it! I wonder what your mom is hiding from you? Must be good.

  3. She should let you play with the orange balls beore she eats them! They're perfect for that!

  4. can't wait to find out what the surprise is! Is your birthday coming up?

  5. Oh that's a great box, Derby. You look all comfy in the blankie too. I can't wait to see what your surprise is!

  6. "...but only when she really pressed on it hard."

    HUH?! Why would she press on it really hard? Moms...can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!

  7. Gosh, I've missed a lot! Hope your little footie is feeling better. And you got to sleep in blankets on the floor. I love doing that! AND a great box, too? Sounds like you had a fun weekend.

  8. I'm glad your foot is better. I second putting the blankie in the box. Boxes with blankies or bubble wrap are best!


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